About Me

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Hi! I am a fitness professional, a father of two gorgeous girls, a serious football fan and a LOVER of FOOD! I believe that to maintain balance in life we need to enjoy everything in moderation. But sometime during the past two and a half years, since my first daughter was born, I have lost my balancing ways. I'm addicted to food...my main addiction; chocolate. My workouts have taken a backseat to parent and tot gymnastics, crafting, and singing the ABC song. I NEED to find balance again. Please join me as I embark on this journey. I hope you too can find the balance in your own life.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 Minutes of Calm

~Thoughts From Kate

For the month of February we have been conducting daily Quick Fit Challenges that are 2 minutes in length.  We have challenged participants to complete their maximum number of repetitions in 2 minutes of various exercises (push-ups, squats, etc...).  As we near the end of February, I am completely shocked and delighted at the improvements in my strength and cardiovascular system with only 2 minutes of intense daily exercise.

This got me thinking....what else could I do for only 2 minutes a day that would have a positive impact on me personally and the way I live my life.  Immediately I thought about meditation.  For years I have wanted to learn to meditate -easier said then done.  I have read several "learn to meditate" books and have yet to succeed.  I just can't seem to sit still and quiet my mind for any significant length of time.  It takes all of about 15 seconds for me to start thinking...

What should I make for dinner tonight...

Does my butt really look good in those jeans or was Chad just avoiding a fight...

Ryan Gosling was so hunky in his last movie I saw...how and when will I be able to watch another one of his movies...

And that's when I realize that I'm supposed to be meditating -oops!
Ryan Gosling -looking good!

In my quest for 2 minutes of quiet meditation, I turned to Google.  I stumbled upon an amazing website that challenges you to do nothing for 2 minutes.  When I clicked on the link to the site, I was transported from my basement playroom covered in stuffed animals, art supplies, and two cranky children to a picture of an ocean with the sun setting behind some clouds, and the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.  There is a 2:00 minute timer in the centre of the page and the instructions to "do nothing for 2 minutes. Just sit and listen to the waves. Do not touch your mouse or your keyboard".

I cranked up the volume on my computer and got sucked into the hypnotic sounds of the waves.  The picture on my screen was so beautiful that I literally just sat there staring at my computer for the entire 2 minutes. It was amazing! Once the 2 minutes had finished, the site congratulated me and told me about another website www.calm.com.  This site doesn't have a timer, but does have various scenes and water sounds to choose from (I'm feeling more relaxed just thinking about it!).

I went back to the site two more times that day, and every day since.

I've found that, for me, 2 minutes of calm a few times a day does wonders for my mood, my outlook on life, and my stress level.

Maybe one day I'll be that Zen Mamma walking through the grocery store with my *perfect* children in tow.  But for now I'm elated to be me...a slightly frazzled, sleep deprived Mamma who worries about her kid cursing at the top of her lungs while in the grocery store checkout line.  Getting to meditate for a mere 2 minutes each day,  I'll take it!  In fact, I'm going to take it right now... bliss...



  1. Love it! Gonna try it! Thanks for pushing me to find 2 minutes for myself and my health (which really is for everyone in the family anyways-cause if momma ain't up and runnin...nobody is!)

  2. Thanks for your comment C. Give it a try and let me know if it helps your stress level at all. ~k
